The Ashfield & District Historical Society Inc. is a not for profit organisation founded in 1973.
We are a group of people who are enthusiastic about the history and heritage of Ashfield and its surrounding suburbs. We have a Committee of volunteers who provide their time and expertise to:
assist with enquiries at our research rooms
host regular walks, lively talks and visits to historic sites
produce books and journals on aspects of our district’s history
conserve historic records to help researchers
campaign to conserve our built and natural heritage

Our aims are:
To promote an interest in the history of Ashfield and district by providing regular activities such as walks, talks and inspections relating to the area.
To regularly publish a book or journal providing articles and information on the history and heritage of Ashfield and district for the information and education of members and the community.
To collect and conserve photographs, documents and information relative to the history of Ashfield and district for the benefit of members and the community.
To undertake action relating to the promotion of the history and heritage of Ashfield and district.
Our research rooms
Our research rooms are known for the resources they contain and the expertise and enthusiasm of the people who staff the rooms. Whether you are trying to find out the history of your house, information on relatives who may have lived in the area, the history of schools, churches or some obscure thing you would like to follow up, you will find that our volunteers will almost certainly be able to point you in the right direction.
Our research rooms are open for members of the Society to conduct their research. Non-members are welcome to use the facilities and expertise of the people supervising the rooms for a small fee. We have an enormous volume of information available at Thirning Villa in both digital and hard copy.
We are a Learning Organisation
In researching, in organising events, in engaging in our heritage, we as individuals and as a Society are constantly learning. Joining our Society is a great way of combining really interesting learning experiences, great people with their knowledge and the opportunity to be supported in your personal explorations of your own historical interests.
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