Our Events

Bernadette Williamson at Ambleside on a walk to look at some of the significant houses of the Ashfield District..

The Society organises regular events and activities which are generally open to everyone, with discounted entry for members. Some events may be restricted to members only because of space limitations.

Upcoming events are shown on the right-hand side of each page on this site. Pictures and stories from past events can be viewed from the menu.

A joint event organised with the Marrickville Historical Society.

Events may be:

  • presentations by guest speakers or  members of the Society,
  • displays of materials the Society has collected or had curated,
  • visits to sites with particular heritage value or historical significance,
  • inspections of homes, churches and other buildings or areas with a particular historical significance,
  • walking tours to visit multiple places, often with expert speakers,
  • joint events organised in conjunction with other historical societies .

Almost all our events conclude with a good spread of finger food, tea, coffee and great conversation. If the event is at the Pratten Park Bowling Club the bar is usually open.